PEG takes a sustainable approach to every project. Protection of existing resources, such as archaeological, historical, ecological, and societal mirror our passion with incorporation of energy efficient design techniques such as LEED development practices and sustainable infrastructure.
Wetlands Delineations/Assessments, Habitat Determinations, Surface Water Protection, Stormwater Runoff Infiltration, Surface Water Runoff Thermal Protection, Tree Assessments/Surveys, Archaeological Review, and Endangered Species Act Reviews are all items that should be assessed in the site selection and planning phase.
PEG professionals work to develop the impacts of site selection and construction practices for proposed projects while consulting to limit impacts to surviving resources. Understanding impacts in the early phases of a project serves to streamline project schedules and permitting timelines.
Impacts to Natural Resources cannot always be avoided. When impacts are necessary, PEG professionals will contribute to the development of alternate analyses to allow our clients the vital information necessary for the development of a practical and obtainable plan.
When impacts are necessary, PEG will work with our clients to develop Wetland Mitigation Plans, Tree Protection and Impact Mitigation/Replacement Plans, Habitat Restoration Plans, and also permit such necessary impacts.
PEG professionals have planned, designed, and permitted simple and complex projects alike, for both private and public clients. By understanding every unique aspect of your site development and the impacts resulting from such improvements, we can develop an efficient systematic process synchronized to our client’s schedule to ensure project success.